Ra' Living Foods are for Everyone.

Everyone can have access to living dis-ease free and most productive when consuming heal-thy-self foods. I am here to help facilitate that for you. 


I'm India Camiel

I never in a million years thought I would be an RA' FOODIST, let alone an educator, nutrition, and detox specialist, and gourmet chef in the field either. 

Haven been sick and addicted to hazardous modern "food" stuff and even experiencing emotional, mental and physical trauma in my formative years, I used to suffer from depression, weight gain, anxiety... I know it might sound cliche, but for real, for real, consuming only ra' living foods was a massive catalyst to innerstanding myself and creating lasting balance in my being and life. Eating RA' healed and even continues to heal my body, mind, and spirit in ways I used to think were impossible. The depth of sickness I experienced in my 20s is pretty much non-existent. Now, I have room for other healing that no doubt continues. 

I have been practicing this life-not-a-style way of being for 16-plus years, and I have experienced many spectrums, of which others seek me out to assist with their journeys. Because of this experience, I have been called to share with others how they can elevate themselves by consuming 100% Ra' Living Plant-based foods and FULLY JOY IT IN THE PROCESS. After all, if one does not enjoy what they are eating, you can bet your top dollar that the disciplined phase will be short-lived.

As a detoxification specialist and special nutritionist, I have helped hundreds of individuals find healing, clearing, resets, and ultimately balance within ra' consumption. THE MOST REWARDING aspect of being of service in this way is witnessing others heal and become empowered out of sickness, disease, and dysfunction. They always do the work; I am simply a motivator and support. The lessons many of my clients have learned while going through my detox programs are lessons they will carry and refer back to throughout their lives. 

I've done much on this journey in the 16 years plus in various capacities. Now, I LOVE TO CREATE AND SHARE HEALING, LIVING FOODS that keep one in a high RA state without disease or dysfunction. I want to continue to expand and experience life as such, and if my living RA cuisine can help others experience the same in their cipher, HEY, I AM FULFILLED. 

Why I Do It

I am passionate about what I have to share with others regarding Living Ra' Consumption and food prep. When I first began consuming 100%, I became inspired, and my purpose was carved out by the All Mighty Universal Power that is. Much confusion and pain became absent in my life, which I never thought would be possible. I didn't know how much of an impact the foods eaten could and do have on the goody, a.k.a. body. When I first began going on two decades ago, the desire for transformation was selfish, for sure. It was all about my healing.
However, for the past 12 years, it has become my mission and purpose to assist others in reaching the same level of clarity through consuming living ra' foods. Let's be honest: most raw food dishes are not appealing, and even if they are tasty, many people find it challenging to start or stay consistent in consuming all or high raw for many reasons, which are lack of variety, lengthy prepping, and cost, are the primary reasons. Because people are unsatisfied and unfulfilled with the raw food options, they return to what can provide satisfaction: a sense of nurturing and familiarity.
Honestly, I would not have been able to stay ra' if I could not make the foods I do. I would have turned back a long time ago. I love the challenge of re-creating foods that were sore spots for me and that I was addicted to. I thrive off making these dishes heal-thy-self ra' foods. Most of all, I live to guide others in doing the same. Seeing others do it and feel the abundant differences is what it is all about for me. I come to show how DELICIOUS RA' LIVING FOODS CAN BE AND HOW WE CAN REPLICATE AND REPLACE IN TRANSITIONAL PHASES so that we can reach the full-cycle goal of SPIRITUAL CLEANLINESS. I earnestly accept the charge of de-mystifying Ra' Vegan Consumption with my common-sense approaches that anyone can apply. I also come to debunk the myths that one can't have much of what one craves, desires, and needs while eating RA'. THIS IS MY TALENT - To make the LIVING RA' FOODS so DELICIOUS, EVERYONE CAN AND WANTS TO EAT IT and make it and apply various principles that will only enrich their lives, regardless of any futile classifications.